Dr. Elizabeth Edwards

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Work and Contact Information


Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
University of Toronto
200 College Street
Toronto, ON, M5S 3ES

EMAIL: elizabeth.edwards@utoronto.ca

WEBPAGE: http://www.labs.chem-eng.utoronto.ca/edwards/people/

About the Contributor

Dr. Edwards is the Director of BioZone and a Professor in the Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at the University of Toronto. She is an internationally renowned expert in bioremediation and environmental biotechnology with >20 years developing techniques that use bacteria to clean up sites with groundwater contamination. Her focus is to harness and enhance the innate ability of soil micro-organisms to biologically transform common toxic pollutants, such as gasoline and industrial solvents, to render them less harmful to the environment and human health. Her research involves the characterization of microbial communities that degrade these compounds, and the use of molecular tools to detect gene and protein expression.

Article Contributions